Emotional intelligence in a digital world

Emotional intelligence plays a critical role in improving both patient care and practice success. In this session, learn about digital emotional intelligence—emotions that are expressed and influenced through digital technology. Discover the components, challenges, and benefits of digital emotional intelligence, and learn how to implement a digital emotional intelligence strategy in your practice. Come away understanding best practices for building trust and rapport, providing personalized care, and managing client emotions, all in a connected world. 

This session originally was presented at AVMA’s 2024 Veterinary Leadership Conference.

Learning objectives

    • Understand the definition and components of digital emotional intelligence, and its role in the veterinary profession.
    • Learn how to identify areas for improvement in digital emotional intelligence. 
    • Gain practical tips and best practices for implementing a digital emotional intelligence strategy in your practice.

Rhonda Bell is a seasoned professional in veterinary management. Her passion for people, pets, and the businesses that care for them led her to leave full-time practice management and found Dog Days Consulting, specializing in social media management and brand consulting. She holds a degree in business management from Western International University and is certified as a veterinary practice manager, compassion fatigue professional, digital marketing professional, and Professional Certified Marketer®,