Workers’ compensation: Handling an on-site injury

Explore best practices and potential challenges to managing an on-site worker injury. Join a representative from HUB International for an overview of the injury management process, including  implementing an effective return-to-work program. Using case studies from the veterinary profession, discover internal processes and tools—such as checklists, sample forms, and policies—your facility can use to avoid expensive workplace injuries and mitigate costs. Note: This webinar does not cover handling workers’ compensation claims or the role of the insurance adjuster.

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust.

Learning objectives: 

  • Understand the financial impact of workers’ compensation claims on a practice.
  • Learn best practices to control the cost of workers’ compensation claims, and how to implement them.
  • Discover sample forms, checklists, and policies to help manage a worker injury.

Matt Gilmore is a senior vice president and regional leader in HUB International’s risk services division, where his responsibilities include regional service strategy development, and consulting with global and national clients. 

He has over 30 years of experience in risk management consulting, including 26 years with a national insurance carrier and a global insurance broker. Prior to joining HUB, he was a senior consultant at a global insurance brokerage company, and a national account consultant and training specialist for the largest writer of workers’ compensation. 

His veterinary experience includes site-level and organizational-level risk assessments, and training for small animal and equine practices. Matt is a certified safety professional and fire protection specialist, associate in risk management, and commercial lines coverage specialist.